Fertility Coaches: Who Are They and How Can They Help You?
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Fertility Coaches: Who Are They and How Can They Help You?

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Deciding to grow your family can be an exciting time. However, when the road starts to get a little bumpy, it’s normal to feel the frustration start to kick in. While there are tonnes of articles out there on who to turn to when you need help conceiving, where do you go when you need someone to talk to about these issues?

Friends and family are a good place to start, however, seeking professional help can go a long way in helping you and your partner overcome and process what you are feeling and thinking.

What Is Fertility Coaching?

If you’ve gone to see a gynaecologist, they may recommend that you and your partner also start speaking to a fertility coach. Fertility coaching is offered to couples who are trying to become pregnant but have been faced with issues and are thus seeking professional help.

While your gynaecologist will work with you on the medical side of things, your fertility coach is there to help you deal with any tough emotions that come up during the process.

For many, when their fertility journey does not go as planned, they can find themselves angry, confused, frustrated, stressed, and depressed. Many couples even experience an undeniably rough patch in their relationships. This can be an extremely traumatic period for both men and women.

Your fertility coach will be present to guide you through these emotions both as a couple and as individuals.

Why A Fertility Coach, Why Not Any Other Therapist?

While you can opt to speak to a regular therapist, a fertility coach is trained to specifically help couples and individuals manage the emotions that come with their fertility journey.

They understand the frustrations that you are dealing with and will be better able to help you cope.

Additionally, your fertility counsellor is also able to guide you in making decisions regarding your fertility treatments and options.

Where Can I Find a Fertility Coach in Singapore?

As mentioned, if you have gone to see a gynaecologist at a hospital or within a private clinic, most of them will offer you the option of speaking to a fertility coach.

Alternatively, there are faith-based fertility coaches available in Singapore as well, should you feel more comfortable speaking to someone of your faith.

Regardless of your choice of fertility coaches, each of them is there to aid you and your partner in overcoming this difficult period.

The Takeaway

If you have been actively trying to conceive for 12 months without luck, it may be time to seek professional help. A gynaecologist will be able to help you determine the cause of your infertility and recommend a treatment plan.

However, it is important that you also address the emotional struggle that comes with your fertility journey. A fertility coach can help you and your partner resolve the stress and trauma that you may be facing during this trying time.

There is no shame in admitting that you would like to speak to someone. Many individuals, both male and female, have found comfort in being able to meet with a fertility counsellor. Your fertility coach will not only aid you in processing difficult emotions but can also guide you through decision-making and figuring out your next steps in your fertility journey.

If you or your partner are having trouble dealing with the challenges of becoming pregnant, there are various fertility coaches that you can turn to for assistance. The road to growing your family can be difficult enough as it is, you do not need to walk it alone - get the help that you need.

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Editorial Team
last updated
December 11, 2023

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